How BAD is the Extrude Manifold Tool on Blender?

Yes but !!

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Push.blend (1.0 MB)
Made this with Geometry Tools, it uses the fast algorithm for booleans so it only works with Blender 4.2 and up.
You can tweak the depth, end scale and starting scale of the extrusion as well as the method (exact or fast).
It works by duplicating the selected faces, scaling them up a bit, moving them above the surface, then these faces get flattened and extruded, then the extruded faces get inverted and joined to the duplicated faces to make a solid object, a difference boolean is performed with the original object at the end. Also a merge by distance to clean up.


I am working on bringing in a new boolean solver to Blender, based on the manifold open source library. It may do some of the things you are doing here more automatically. (It is also seemingly about as fast as the float solver and much more robust.)


Great news! Thanks for working on this!
I updated this tool to also do unions. (It’s a bit fiddley).

PushPull2.blend (1.2 MB)

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This is great, because until now I have not seen a serious application of ‘tool mode’ and how it is superior and more approachable compared to the Python API.

Your work might quite well be a decent visual reference on how to get started.


Yes I think we need to start using node tools a bit to see the possibilities. For the moment it seems that people are reluctant to make destructive tools.

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Having modals and gizmos will certainly make them more generally usable, but Ive already seen plenty of appreciation for what they currently are. Are they so overlooked?


To be honest, I haven’t seen very many node tools. Is there some secret place on the internet where people are uploading them?


If we told you about it, it weren’t secret any longer. Very sorry.

greetings, Kologe


yeah that is nice, when does blender get modelling workflow and tools like maya… industrial standard, while blender is industry sub standard by design community and gatekeepers… crazy how many good suggestions and forks and addons are made for blender but good luck seeing that added anytime soon.

When does blender get Maya’s development budget and staff size?

“Industrial Standard” - you meant Industry Standard, but whatever, same thing.

I went out of my way to dig into Maya and 3DS Max for client work and just bitched and moaned the whole time because I couldn’t use my Blender paradigm of one hand on the keyboard, one on the mouse for modeling. To each his own - but addons exist as a way for the community to self-support their curiosity about what tools we each need for our own workflows, and we then develop them as if they are their own program similar to Blender.

Main devs don’t have time, but we do, and we maintain because we USE them for our own work. Do you mean that Blender Foundation should be the only devs of addons here, or something else?

Well, most fortunately, Blender Artists has no shortage of immature childish figures, who either cannot express more than three thoughts in a row without insulting people or resorting to profanity, or simply aren’t willing to, and who are both competent and insightfull enough to tell them exactly what needs to be done to lead Blender onto a path of glory.


greetings, Kologe


I can’t speak for Maya, but I was on the Max beta for years and in the 2 years (around the time of 2.80 release) that I was most active (same period that smart Extrude was developed) the 3dsMax dev team was 100 strong + extra manpower on both the Arnold team and the Bifrost team.

Smart Extrude was the product of a dedicated team working on it full-time for around a year.

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