I’ve been using blender for quite a while, but a little bit at a time here and there. For most the stuff I’ve needed it for, it has been really useful, but it’s all simple animations. My goal is to get good enough with blender to use it in my video projects.
I have been playing with the cell fracture and rigid body functions (and the blender render engine) to teach myself how to do some effects because I don’t have the money to destroy real things in my videos. I made a globe and a floor and somehow have gotten it to fall to the ground and smash into 1000 pieces upon impact. It looks cool! But I want to render it with materials applied.
I’m thinking that I should have maybe applied materials beforehand and then cell fracture, but not sure and haven’t tried so if that’s the answer, tell me and call me a dummy for not trying that
Otherwise, here’s my issue: I didn’t apply the material before. I can select multiple pieces of the shattered globe by holding down shift, but when I apply a material, it only applies to the last I select. The only way I can apply my materials is to select every individual shard and apply. Is that correct?
I’m thinking that I should have maybe applied materials beforehand and then cell fracture, but not sure and haven’t tried so if that’s the answer, tell me and call me a dummy
You’re a dummy
The only way I can apply my materials is to select every individual shard and apply. Is that correct?
Add the material to one object. Select all the objects you want to apply the material to. Then select the object with the material. This must be the last object selected so that it is the active object. Then you can use Ctrl+L to link the material from the active object to all the other selected objects
These days we use to discuss on the blender UI improvements.
I wonder.
If we shift click a few objects and apply a cycles material set up. Why not this way?
Why a newcomer to have to think about the active object and ctrl+L?
What’s wrong to multi select a few objects in the outliner and apply a material to all of them at once?
What could be the limitation on such a method?
Thank you. I will remember I am a dummy and apply the material ahead of time. Thank you for the other method too. i will keep that in mind for the next time I AM a dummy