How can I deselect a layer of vertices?

I have tried a few ways to deselect a layer of vertices, however I am a little stuck.

I can deselect 1 vertice (Shift+select vertice).
I can deselect multiple vertices (Ctrl+Shift+LMB > drag lasso over preferred vertices).
I can select a face, however this doesn’t allow for loop cuts to have their inner layers selected.

Any suggestions please?

you can use shift alt

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Thank you for clearing my mental block.

As it turns out, my computer uses:
CTRL+Alt+LMB on vertical edge, for horizontal layer
CTRL+Alt+LMB on horizontal edge, for vertical layer.

My apologies, I’ve noticed that:
CTRL+Alt+LMB on vertical edge, for horizontal layer
CTRL+Alt+LMB on horizontal edge, for vertical layer
selects layers.

I need to deselect layers.
Therefore, these are the steps:
CTRL+Alt+Shift+LMB on vertical edge, for horizontal layer
CTRL+Alt+Shift+LMB on horizontal edge, for vertical layer.

The challenge now is that these steps don’t deselect one layer, but rather two or three layers. How can I deselect one layer?