How can I distribute points on surface in-between alredy distributed?

So the objects to distribute with a second “distribute points” would have lesser chance to intersect with previously distributed and visually fill the empty space only.

So Susan head would fill the space in between cones ?

I assume the cone points should have paint to a vertex group somehow or perhaps it should be something with distance test ?

Does anyone have an idea how to do it most simple way?

ps. I think I found a simple way. It’s proximity node and stepped map range into scale of Susan instancer. Not sure it’s a right one since it does lots of invisible zero scaled instances around the cones .

Does anyone know a right way? How to do it into “selection”?

ps2 . It works in “selection” too actually :smiley:

Instead of scaling you can delete points instead.


Thanks zeroskilz . It works too. My guess it’s even more proper way that inputting it to selection in instancer .

It’s not something easy to do in general especially without loops…

But here is an idea : you can scatter all the points , then use a separate geometry to separate points where the cones should be, and the other part of the points can be used for the suzannes.

Of course it’s just the beginning, you have to use either a poisson distribution to space out the points, or use merge by distance afterwards…

In any case, this is more another way to approach the problem, but maybe for next time since you seem to have solved it already !

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