hi I just want to know how can I export models with several animations and textures to UDK. well at first I just want to know how to import a very simple Model from blender (without the animation and without the materials just the model).
most I see in the internet they actually export it as a .ASE I dont know what this extension means but i think its actually a way for you to put your models in UDK… but when I try it my self I dont have it in the export tab…
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to export models to UDK. I’m not sure if you’ll get a lot of info here in the game engine section - you might want to try the Support section for Blender, rather than the BGE, or the UDK forums.
I once exported a model to UDK using fbx file format… i have no idea about .ase format though. I dont have udk installed here so i cant check if fbx export still works for udk but it did work in the past both for model and the uv texture
Take a look at the addons. There should be something for UDK.