How can i fix these errors?

Hello everyone, i got an issue with automatic weights. And i got this response from Erick. Can you guys tell me what to do to fix the error he pointed out? If anyone want i can send them the blend file so they can figure out the issue. I am asking because i am completely new on blender and i would like a helping hand from the community. I just want to know what i did wrong and how can i fix it so i wont redo it in future models. You can see the topic Erick responded to here:
*Bone Heat Weighting: failed to find solution for one or more bones - #8 by Skrap98

let me a video to show you what i mean :slight_smile:

Here is a video with a solution for your problem

Goddamn you actually made a video for that. Thank you so much Erick! I think i couldnt get a better response than that! :grinning:

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