How can I get rid of these wrinkles and lines on the model?

There is this model that has wrinkles and baggy skin and some lines which should not be there (at least I do not want to), and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Basically this is the problem and I have no clue what to do, I have tried some things regarding the normals of the faces but nothing seemed to work.

You might have to take it into Sculpt Mode if that is Geometry and not the result of bad normal map or texture issues…
In sculp use the smooth brush and a very low strength…
Be warned…if you add faces you might mess up the UV’s but considering it is such a simple texture it shouldn’t be a problem…

Beyond that, we would need to see your Shader Nodes and any modifiers…
The base model in viewport shading would tell us if it is geometry…

Thanks for your reply, it ended up being a bump node that was causing the skin to look like that.

In the shading workspace, there was this node that was used to give the skin its texture, by pressing tab you could see the nodes of this skin texture node, and one of them was a bump node which caused those deformations.

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