I am currently working on my first character however trying to retop him is a mess because as soon as I press Z to see the mesh of my dyntopo-sculpted head my Toshiba laptop goes INSANELY slow and usually blender will crash. I 'm trying to make this character for a portfolio in animation to show my interest in 3d modelling so I could really use the help!
add and apply a decimate modifier. to the big mesh.
It can then be reduced by percent. Making it lose density but not that much quality.
Dyntopo needs a lot of RAM to run smoothly. I’d suggest upgrading your hardware to a decent NVidia graphics card, and more RAM. Of course, that probably won’t fit in a laptop…
On the ‘what you can do with current hardware’ side, you might want to look into using poly by poly modeling to build your character rather than sculpt, or, if your interest is more in animation than modeling per se, to download a rigged puppet (Blendswap has several nice ones) and just do some animation with it.
Welcome to BlenderArtists
wow thank you that was just what I needed much appreciated
Toshiba laptop ?
i would use a DESKTOP with a i5 ( a laptop “i5” is NOT the same as the desktop i5 CPU )
and 12 to 32 Gig ram
basically a normal everyday older graphics workstation
the laptop i3,i5 's ARE NOT the same as the desktop i3’s and i5’s
and if this is MS windows
turn OFF most of the background services like the AV software and indexing that will eat up about 1/2 of the ram
and if you still have the OEM’s CRAPWARE still running that will eat up the rest