How can I make fake god rays with cubes

(I put this into materials because my intention isnt to use the cycles volume stuff)

I have this shot of a wall:

It looks pretty uninteresting even though there’s a light coming through it. I thought adding god/light rays would convey that much better but I use eevee, have other lights throughout the scene that I don’t want to affect with any volume cubes (they didn’t work anyways), and would prefer to just make the shape of the rays myself. So, is there a way I can make non realistic god rays by taking a cube, giving it a material, and just shaping it.

Thats a crude drawing of the kind of cube I’d put there with a material that looks like god rays. How can I do this? I tried looking for a tutorial that didn’t focus on volume (because all the ones i tried havent worked and tried to look to realistic), if there’s a tutorial I missed, I’d love to see.

Could you model the god rays using physical geometry - then given then a translucent/transparent shader - perhaps feathering the edges out using a texture.

Somehow i didn;t got it to work in Eevee (even if using the usual alpha blend modes and screen space refections) so here is something for demonstrational purposes:

The upper geometry are just planes the lower “boxes” … very eveil rays… :wink:

Can you do it in compositing?


yeah that didnt work out

idk if i fucked smth up but literally nothing happened. i think smth is fucked up tho cuz the viewer didnt work

On the sunbeams node, you have to adjust the X and Y coordinates to suit your own scene. Look for the “X” in the preview when the sunbeams node is selected.

the viewer node just doenst show anything. ive never dabbled in compositing before so i dont really know how it works and how to troubleshoot the simplest things ig

For the viewer node to work, you’ll need to turn on the Backdrop toggle in the compositor header