How can I make my render look better?

I have a scene I’m working on and I’m wondering how to fix these issues. I’m learning cycles (I finally have a PC that can handle it) and I’ve run into a couple of issues.

When I render my image, I seem to lose detail no matter how big I make the file. I tried up to 8K and upped my max samples a lot. It didn’t help.

I have a couple of issues.

First is that I seem to lose straight lines/corners. If you look at the washing machine or the cupboards in the back, they’re all jagged and kind of blurry on the edges. You cannot see the buttons on the washing machine at all.

Second, Shadows are also not showing up very well, same issue. Kind of jagged and not very well defined. Some are fine, others aren’t. Some look like they’re making weird artifacts.

Third, the walls, especially to the right, have some weird colour thing going on. I’m guessing reflections or something but I’m unsure.

I’ve been looking through forum posts about these issues and haven’t found anything useful yet. I’ve been messing with my settings for the last hour or so and haven’t really gotten anywhere, besides learning what a lot of the settings do!

I’d be grateful for any advice on how to make this look better.

Seems what you’re looking for is the noise threshold setting. If I remember correctly it is on by default (I forgot what the default value is).
What it does is basically stop sampling areas that has reached the the threshold amount of noise. So, even if you have set 8K samples, if the whole image reached the threshold at 500 samples it will be the same as rendering at 500 samples. Try setting it to something lower or disable it (lowering it or disabling it will make your renders slower).

Interiors will always be a lot noisier than exteriors. Light portals can help reduce the noise if you’re using world lighting/HDRI.

Perfect, thank you for helping. I knew it would be something simple!

I’m going to have a play around with light portals! they sound really interesting and exactly what I need!

Googling issues has become a very frustrating process of it not googling what I need it to and instead showing me what it thinks I want to see. Quotes and minus does not help. The other day my search was riddled with handbags (why handbags, I don’t even own a handbag!), literal blenders etc. That was a first for me and it got very frustrating.