Hi I just got a cheap nikon d3200 (125$) and trying to scan some leaves and process it with substance Designer Multiangle to albedo node. Here the result that I get.
Not an expert, but I’ve done some photometric stereo scans in the past and I never got a really good color map from it. Whenever possible I would capture a separate photo to use as a basis for the color map.
Out of curiosity I used these images in instamat with the photometric stereo node. The normal map was useless, so I baked it from the height map and got these results: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0ojanq3k1wwbxnzcukf6h/ADd8Rn2PJgwe-Bmz1nhW6d8?rlkey=2fihfv3cmpj8akxjtglkva84a&st=4s1x6duy&dl=0
An Albedo map removes the shadow and reflection so that the result is the Pure Color of the objects… your result has all that information still present.
I would first take out the background and add an alpha mask so the only thing you are dealing with is the leaf.
Take a look at the process that these guys from Poly-Haven use to create PBR maps and scans.
Though they are using 3d-scan technology in most of the video at about 5:45 they are scanning ground texture