How can i select inside this area under my mouse?

I’m coming from modo, there was a script Seneca Menard made where it would select ‘inside’ a selection. Does anyone know of a script, or tool, or add on that will let me select like the image below?

I don’t know if there’s any add-on that does specifically that. With built-in tools you can get close though. The “pick shortest path”, which is by default bound to ctrl+click, has an option “fill region”. Which would let you do this:

EDIT: There’s also a Select -> Select Loops -> Select Loop Inner Region, but that one looks at edge loops, not faces.

EDIT2: Just popped into my mind that you can also hide the initial selection, select linked on the inner area (with default keymap that’s L while hovering over it), then unhide all.

Shift-ctr select. I would try it with face mode, but it does have a differing behavior with vert and edge mode as well.

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