How can I select specific instance, move it along a curve and get the curve length?

At each instance position ?

To make trim curves in between each instance automatically ?

ps. The right question is probably how can I split a curve into given number of parts like multiple “trim curve” at ones one after another and then move the split points along the initial curve ?

since you’re doing the resample via count, wouldn’t the length of each be 1/3 of the total curve length? so instance 0 = 0/3 curve length, instance 1 = 1/3 length, instance 2 = 2/3 length, instance 3 = 3/3 length

Yeah. this would be simple . But I want first select and move those 4 along a curve a bit a with manual input for each . And how can I build those trimmed curves in between automatically after that?

well, you know the start point now… how are you moving along the curve? via factor or something? can the distance from start to current be a function of .how. you moved along the curve?

Good luck!


Thank you very much zeroskilz. it’s going to occupy me for a while now :slight_smile:

That move is needs to be by manual input value for each point . They needs to be sliding alone the curve after initial creation.