How can i tile seamlessly this animated pattern

Hi guy’s,

I need to make this pattern tile seamlessly in both x and y direction, i include the file so you can see the animation.
Thank for any help you can provide
sumerian_glyph.blend (2.2 MB)

You didn’t pack the Image into the Blend…

Could you also not include files from previous work…there is also a half-dozen or so PSD brushes referenced in the images we just don’t need to bloat the Blend…

Try using factory settings and just append the shader/material to a new plane…

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Sorry i forgot to check the automatically pack resources box, i did an append and just need the one texture that is necessary. The file still show some errors but there is nothing more to this file since it come from blender swap except the custom texture i made.

Let me know if it work this time.
sumerian_glyph_A.blend (2.3 MB)

OK…I’m not sure what you mean by seamless in the x&y…
Do you mean the animation being seamless so there isn’t a jump at the end?

If so… simply adjust the number of frames…I found that setting the end frame to 201 works perfectly… so you would have a really hard time seeing any glyphs jump around…

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Hi RSEhiers, hope you are doing well and what i mean is this will need to be use as an animated texture that will be project on a wall of a temple and i need it to be able to repeat it on a large surface without seam or jump.

OK…you have the projector to PLAY with?
Then along with setting the frames to 201…
I think the only thing you will have to change is the Dimension Node … that way you can make the image smaller ( to be projected larger ) by doubling the input…say start off with 80…and go from there…you will just have to see what works best…also…I would change the emissive…( trial and error ) as it might look better if it projected with a transparent background… simple enought to do…just add these nodes between the glyph and output…
and change Blend mode to Alpha Blend…( this is in EeVee BTW)

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