Hi everyone, this is my first project, I’m discovering blender and I enjoy it so far. However, I have a problem and I can’t find an answer online. I did the tutorial from blenderguru on the spaceship. I decided to make a small animation where the camera rotates and follow the spaceship on it’s path, however, the background image doesn’t move with respect to the camera, this completely fakes the movement and render the animation garbage. Anybody knows how you can fix the background with respect to the global coordinates or to the reference frame of the planet (see video)?
if somebody doesn’t understand my problem, watch my animation here and you’ll see
It depends on how you have added the background. Is this a compositing effect? If so then the world background will not move because it doesn’t know what the camera is doing. You could find a star image big enough to fit on the inside of a dome shape that wraps around both objects in the scene. Alternatively you could map an equirectangular image onto the background like this https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/8923/how-do-you-use-an-image-as-the-world-background
Hi, thanks for the tip, but it didn’t worked because I had multiple render layers they had to be transparent and the background didn’t appear.
I ended up setting a second scene and created a background on a separate renderlayer and it worked. Howvever, this workaround is not elegant in my opinion, I’m struggling a bit with managing render layers, specially, how do you make a background when you have transparent render layers ?
either way, here is my result so far (I also reduced the glow of the earth while I was at it)
I usually attach backdrops to a plane which is “in camera view” and which can therefore be filmed by the camera, thus reflecting whatever camera-moves you want to take place. You can, if you wish, produce a composite output that contains nothing but the star-field, although that’s usually unnecessary since displaying an image takes essentially zero compute-time.
I’ll post the blender file later, I’m going to clean it a bit because it’s a mess, I started following the blenderguru tutorial and added stuff from there
here is the blender filespaceshipanimation2.blend (997 KB)
basically I have three scenes one main scene for the ship, one with the earth, and one with the background.
the earth is on the second scene because I was following the blenderguru tutorial, I could put it in the main scene, my question is how can I put the background on the same scene as the earth scene