How can this effect be achieved


I think this one can be done by using Geometry Nodes.

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there are many ways you can achieve results like this
here’s a simple test I did that may help you get a general idea
blender test
everything I’ve done here can be done inside geometry nodes.
you can also do it with curves and twist them, instead of using the empty

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I havent checked the other solutions here but in principle this is very simple.

You just start with an arc mesh

And the rest can be done in the modifier stack

  • solidify it to give it thickness

  • add a bevels ( optional)

  • put it into an array

  • deform it with a lattice

  • For the array you have to create an empty and put it in the object offset
    Then you translate and rotate that until the offset is right

  • For the lattice object you add into the lattice modifier it would be sufficient to subdivide along the height axis.

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Unless you want to animate (then use Geometry Nodes), I would just make a basic shape (left) and then copy it on top of each other and rotate (right):

Then smack on a colored translucent material:

(I also bended it slightly with a sculpt tool to give it a more artistic appearance from the current camera view)

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Thank you for the method, I also made it with the matrix and the curve