How can we create corrugated material

I have created the side material and want to make the edge thickness material of the corrugated board.


I want to make with material not with texture. So how can i create the wave like shape. Is it possible. Any suggestion. Thanks

@atekdigital I’ve seen this exact question of yours on BSE, Facebook group and here.

It’s for Weekly CG challange, isn’t it?

You mean, like this?

cardboard.blend (616.7 KB)

Yes . I can use the texture but my mesh is complex and i have to unwrap and use it that i don’t want. With material it will be much easy. Is there any way.

I have this different shape. Wip

Yes. But i want to make it as material.

Trigonometric function in the math node? Think about getting one black shape right first, then shift & flip for the other. Add them together and you have at least a mask.

Ah, okay. It was a misunderstanding then. Well, making the wave is simple:

cardboard-wave-texture.blend (699.0 KB)

If it is a problem that the thickness varies at the slopes, that can be fixed, but I didn’t do it, as the nodes look more confusing, then.

Is that all you want, or is the question more about how to do make the holes between the wave look realistic, with shadows, occlusion and such?


Mask look good to me. I wonder if there is a way to manipulate the whole coordinate system so that it defines an s-shaped curve. I can do it in one dimension (just add sin x to y), but not the other such that it remained close to perpendicular. The idea is to get an s-shaped gradient which could be utilized to fake some shadows/ao effect.

Might try booltool with some modeled card board sheeting and the shapes you have made using intersection. Depends on your desired output.

There certainly must be. For the texturing thing, maybe something like taking the distance for the nearest point on the sin curve would be good enough. Unfortunately it cannot be computed with a closed formula.

Yes that’s what need. Thanks

But i have applied the material to one of my shape, it turns Black. I tried unwrap and applied the material still the same looks black.

May i know the reason. I have attach one part of my model can u plz let me know why its not working on it.

edge cardboard material.blend (760.6 KB)

The supplied blend is not unwrapped though. And as the material example, yours is using generated coords rather than UV. You probably have to do some changes to the material and do an unwrap that works good as a coordinate lookup. Remember, you’re unwrapping for coordinates rather than baking/painting or texture stretch avoidance, so sharing UV space is expected.

As you can see, with some work it is possible:

Geometry could be better though.

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Yes, @CarlG already said, it is a matter of texture coordinates:

  • you are using Y/Z instead of X/Y
  • the scaling of your texture space is different

Here is a fixed version:

edge cardboard material.blend (756.5 KB)

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Thanks for the nodes and help. This is my final render

Cardboard Deer

The concept is awesome, absolutely love it.
But what happened to the material? Looks completely off from your request in original post that we tried to help you with.

Yeah i did all the above following steps. I unwrap also. Don’t know whats the problem.

I wouldn’t bother unwrapping anything in this case.
The wave pattern would be distorted in real cardboard because of the varying cut angles. So, a wave texture using a single axis of generated coordinates for a vector should get you most of the way there.

Maybe I can upload a blend later.

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It would change in size/stretch depending on the cut, maybe occasionally be in a line intersection. But not only line intersections. Personally I wouldn’t care about the stretching or line intersections at all, but rather just make it look proper corrugated.

As for unwrap, in this case you’re unwrapping to define texture coordinates, not the regular unwrap for painting. If you need UVs to paint on, make a separate UV for that.

There must have been a slight misunderstanding. I don’t see where we disagree. ; )

Here’s my take on it.

edit: my bad on that speedcube file lol.