How can you tell which properties a particular object is driving?

I’m starting to get somewhat comfortable with using drivers and was wondering something. It’s very easy to tell if a property is being driven by something; the purple field is a dead giveaway:

If I see that purple field, I know I can go to the Drivers window and see what is driving that property:

In the above example, I can tell that the cube’s x location is driving the icosphere’s y location. All of that is pretty straightforward.

Now, here’s my question. How do I do this in the opposite direction? In other words, how can I view everything that my cube is driving in the scene?

My concern is that if I deleted the cube – and it’s driving a property – that property will be broken…but I won’t be aware of it, as I get no warning messages when deleting the cube. I want to be able to tell what is relying on the cube so I can make the right decisions with respect to the drivers.

Is there a feature in Blender to view everything that an object is driving in the scene? If not, is there an add-on that does this?

Also, is there an easy way to search for broken drivers, kind of like how you can go to File -> External Data -> Report Missing Files and find broken links to external files?

Hey, I would say the ‘Outliner’ would be the first place to start, then maybe the 'Data-Block menu, you will have to consult the manual if your unfamiliar with them

Uhm I understand your issue. You might want to check in python scripting and ask for someone to help you write a script to search for a specific target - Id in all drivers. I once had a small python script that did that but I haven’t even looked at python now for over a year. I switched all my drivers to bones and put them in a separate armature with bone names that tell me which property is being driven. (Ah the issues of organizing in Blender grow larger as we go.) As far as your second issue, of finding broken drivers, depending upon how many you have, you could save your file, delete your object, say a cube, list all drivers in the driver panel and then click on each driver to look for a red property in the target id which would indicate that it is now missing. Kind of silly way to find them but if you don’t have too many it will work, but restore your cube before you exit Blender. Otherwise they will be broke for good.