How create zombie walk with physics?

I just create a ragdoll for dead zombie but how create a walk physics for use like animation?

Typically you’d have two versions of the zombie:

One which is animated while the zombie is “alive”, and one for when it really dies; i.e the ragdoll version.

But from the sound of it, you want the ragdoll itself to walk? That’s some pretty high-level stuff.

I’d imagine that would require some kind of neural-net, and a rigidbody with tensors and flexors. Basically you’d simulate the skeleton and musculature of a human, and then using highly advanced mathematics pulse through the musculature to make it walk. O_o

Is that what you really want? Or am I misunderstanding?

Wrectified_Walking_Ragdoll_Start.blend (1.8 MB)

in 3 days i,m back to game will see.thanks a lot

Friend i need know if can only bake the walk physics of ragdoll to animation and use only animation in runtime?