How do do this? Saved SWAT team poses/animations for stills

I need to create a small group of SWAT-type soldiers, and need them to look fairly plausible. They can generally look the same, though some variation would be great.

I haven’t used Blender much for characters, but am wondering how one might go about getting the characters in place & pose them “mid-action”, sort of like this:

Any thoughts/suggestions?


Any suggestions?

You can find a bunch of suitable poses on Mixamo


Thanks! … Funny, after posting I remembered the movements… then the swat-kinda-guy… :slight_smile:

Really wish Adobe kept developing that, but then again, I’m glad it didn’t go the way of some of their other projects.

I haven’t used it much - I’m able to bring in the model & animation from Mixamo really cleanly, but am not sure how to “freeze” or bake the motion into a still pose for export.

Do I do this by just eliminating the keyframes I don’t need?

Yeah pretty much :+1:t2:


Just tried that… ended up with a bunch of wireframe models in a T-Pose :slight_smile:

What’s the best way to “bake” everything to end up with a single mesh / single texture at the remaining single frame?

I’m not sure how you got wireframe models in t-pose :thinking:

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I really appreciate your help!

Yes - I have no problems in Blender. Once I export, however, I only have a number of T-pose (or, rest position) models.

They’re also very, very small.

I’m exporting as .fbx.

thanks again.

Interesting… what are you exporting to?

Rhino is one app. Here’s what I get:


which is two meshes:

Two meshes on export is probably still ok, but, obviously, I’d like to maintain the pose.