How do I add engravings to this gun without using a boolean difference?

The metal part of this gun does not have any texture unwrap, it only has a silver metallic principled shader on it.

How can I add the engraving of this weapon without using the boolean difference cut using text that has been converted into mesh and extruded?

Can I do this using text on top of a png image with the background having an alpha channel added to it?

Have you tried unwrapping it?

if you make a PNG image with alpha background
then you should be able to lay it down on the surface

but it won’t really look 3D !

happy bl

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How do I do that?

could use Gimp or other soft to make an alpha image
and just add the text in black or whatever color you want
add it to a plane if surface of gun is totally flat

if not need to subdivide planet a lot then can use shrinkwrap

happy bl

Just tried using a text with an alpha background made in gimp, and this was the result.

show the nodes set up
and upload the image so we can test it

happy bl

connect the alpha input to the alpha socket on the other node… and i recommend you to add a bump map node and connect a b&w node before the bump, and then connect the image there (the bump map must be non color data, but to not having to duplicate the node for one with non-color and another with color, just instead use the b&w node) and connect the normal input to the normal socket of the principled node…

if your text exists as an extruded object, you could bake the normals in order to use it as normal map on the gun

Can you show me what the node setup looks like for what you’re describing?

I have a hard way, make text as a mesh, the project it on the gun mesh

Perhaps you can do this for me?

Here is the file, and here are reference images of the text that is engraved on each side of the gun.

Also, can you normal-bake the AMT (Arcadia Machine & Tool) logo in between here it says

Can the normal bakes be visible in eevee/lookdev?!Ap6t_YOv62EQgSNf4CVgKyRH_CrU?e=Ute3Ev

did you solve it
or still working on it

you can make text and simply skrinkwrap it on the gun side

happy bl

Currently very, VERY busy with other blender projects.

Was hoping that someone here could do it for me.

Here is the file.!Ap6t_YOv62EQgSNf4CVgKyRH_CrU?e=iBwIkr

i am up to the task, here is the catch, do you have a dead line for this model? Cuzz am kinda busy too, and I think its better to do it your self and learn new tricks.
If you want me to do it, plz notify me, or task it to others.
If you want to do it your self, kindly follow this:

new trick

add text object then convert it to mesh.
then follow this:

No deadline.

Feel free to do this at your leisure.