So I’ve been trying to add the image texture to those nodes but I fail every time. The image is a png, a logo, sticker.
I created the nodes for the bottle and liquid inside and now I need the name for the cosmetic.
I need it to be in the front of the bottle. How can I make it work and not mess up the nodes I have?
I used basically the same as @AlphaChannel … But I would highly recommend you use your Lable as a Decal instead …you can do far more with it as a separate mesh shrink-wrapped than trying to mix the label texture into your main bottle texture…
The darker one is your texture with an alpha decal…
The close one is with a shrink-wrapped mesh…
With your method, you have to be very careful with the UV to get proper results…
With the shrink wrap, the decal is independent of the main texture and you can add as many as you want or need…all independent… and workers with EeVee as well as Cycles…and adding Metalic to it is simple…
You would end up with the same node group as with my first or @AlphaChannel 's node group…you would still need to create the Glass and add the Baked texture so what would you gain?
Strike that…there is a way by using the Transmission option when you Bake your image…
Check this… @unyxium