Hi! I’m a complete beginner with blender and can’t make the cloth animations to work. I’m using version 2.8.
All clothes are clipping through themselves. The biggest problem however is what should I do to make the cloth flow on top of the body and other clothes. As I play the animation, the whole shirt starts flying in the opposite direction, instead of gliding down nicely. It also jumps all around and won’t stay still. (see pic below, the shirt is normally in the front) Same happens with the pants if I have cloth physics on them
Another problem I have is the cloth sticking too close to the rig. I can’t find a way to fix the problem completely with weight painting. (example below)
I’m not sure would having more vertecies or giving it cloth physics help.
Any advice on how to make the clothes act nicely would be appriciated. Should I add more rigs? If so, where? Should I change cloth / collide physics settings? How?
The cloth mesh faces should be relatively square (not stretched). If you subdivide it a few times perpendicular to the limbs, it should be okay.
About self-intersection, just to be sure, you did enable self-collision?
To make collision behave nicely, there is no magic bullet. Some things to try:
– make sure there is no intersection at the start of the sim (neither self-intersection of the cloth, nor with the body)
– do not squeeze the cloth between obstacles (e.g. under the arms)
– increasing collision distances can help if the mesh passes through the obstacle too easily
– if there is instability (bouncing) increasing the Quality Steps value often helps (but makes the sim slower)
If none of this helps, things might get tricky. I believe it is not always possible to make collisions work robustly. So manual animation, using modifiers, …, might be a better option.
It’s not very clear how you’re animating everything, and as a beginner, there could be any number of unwise choices going on (“more rigs?” sets off alarm bells for me.) A link to a file would be a good idea.
Omgold: Thank you, these were very useful tips! I ended up not animating any cloths, but subdivided it a few times and then fixed that upper leg area with weight painting.
Bandages: I’m in a bit of a hurry with this project, I’ll do so later if I remember. But thank you!