I created a tree using the Tree Generator Add On (open source) project. I was able to figure out applying materials, but I wanted to apply an image texture.
The first texture is simple to apply, but there are 4 or 5 aspects to a tree (branches, leaves, blossoms, trunks, etc.).
I noticed if I apply Leaves to a texture, by opening a file, then I go to apply a second part of the tree and change the texture file, the first item I already created gets changed to the new one also. I do not see a ‘New’ button or an apply button.
There are so many addons about tree and many with this
word choice…
You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer. And usually any texture is part of some shader setup for a material and there are several possibilities to mix them… but it all depends how whatever addon may uses this…
I am not trying to mix any thing, I just want to set a different texture file for each part of the tree.
I may just stick to colors, and as I can change colors, and only the selected item is changed.
I thought this would be simpler, like have an ‘Apply’ button once I choose a file. IClone or Omniverse would let me just select a Diffuse Image, and that is all I had to do.
Thank youf ro the reply, I will look at this more later when I get a chance.
In Blender there is a difference between a “texture” and a material.
A texture is an “image” or “pattern”
A material is more complex setup that describes how surfaces react to light, what colour they are, how reflective they are, if they are transparent, if they emit light and a large etc.
In your screen shot you show the “texture” tab, this tab is only relevant for brushes, masks and certain functions like the texture of a displacement modifier or use in a particle system.
What you need to do is assign different “materials” to each part of the tree.
For example one material that uses a Bark texture for your trunk, a different material that uses a leaf texture for your leaves etc.
Materials do use textures (image textures or procedural ones) but you do not need to add them as a “brush” in the texture tab. You have to add them in the shader editor using the different nodes.
Materials in Blender are setup in the shader node editor and have nothing to do with the “texture” tab. You can add materials to your object in the “material” tab, in the material tab you can also assign different materials to different faces of the same object.
Forget the texture tab for the moment what you need to use is the material tab and the shader editor, take a look at some basic tuts for the shader editor to learn how to make and apply materials.
Ohh… i got this wrong… but it still holds according to:
So as @DNorman kindly explained ( )… you have to add another material…
For example by copying an actual one by adding another material slot, changing it to the to-copy-material, make it “individual”/independent by pressing the number icon (showing how many “users” ( ← unfortunate naming ) use this material ) and finally change the image… (there is no simply copy material to new one)…