How do I apply color to just the selected faces? Blender 4.1

I have a cube with edge loops. I have selected certain faces. Right now the cube is white. I want to make the selected faces red.

When I change the color to red it makes the entire cube red, not just the faces.

Thanks for any help.

Because your material is applied to the whole object.

Make a new material, so your object has 2 materials (one red and one white) and assign faces to them with the assign button.

I have created separate colors. But no matter what I pick it changes the entire cube.

I inverted the selection and assigned the red to the cube. I again inverted to get only the small areas selected, chose the white and hit “Assign.” but again it simply changed everything, not just the selected faces.

Hit the + sign to add a new material

Select one of your materials in the new material dropdown

Asign the new material to the faces in edit mode with the assign button.

PS I recommend you watch some basic tutorials, Blender is a complex program to just “work it out” by trial and error.

Thanks DNorman…that clears it up. Worked !!!