How do I check which bones affect certain vertices?

I have a few vertices in my dog rig (on the tongue object) that when I move certain rig controllers it totally distorts (stretches) those vertices.

I thought there was a way to look at selected vertices and you can see the bone influences on them.

I have forgotten how to do that.

Set the armature modifier to work in edit mode on the mesh (upside down triangle icon). Pose the character, enter edit mode and select a vertex. The vertex groups the vertex belongs to will be shown in the transforms panel in the 3d view.



I would say to check it in weight paint mode but the above answer is the proper one.

Thanks for the tip on the modifier and clicking the upside down triangle. I had to click the square next to it also to keep the mesh in the correct pose.

That was how I fixed it yesterday. Thanks kyrgr.