since Autodesk is shutting down Softimage, many users are looking for a new home. For most of them (me included) it seems there is no adequate replacement for it. But since we are forced to move away at some point, we are evaluating many options and there are transition guides for Houdini and Modo. It’s basically about: “I’m used to do xy in Softimage, how do I do it in <newApp>”.
Here is a really awesome guide for SI-users who want to look at Houdini:
So, here I try to do the same basically (but definitely on a smaller scale). I will post some questions and stuff that I’’ find out, and maybe I’ll get an answer or two or some tips and tricks from other Softimage users.
Also here is a pretty interesting thread about the most favourised features in Softimage, maybe someone wants to comment on some of those as well: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/xsi_list/7vicDaOF4Jg[1-25-false]
I will keep this original post updated with questions and answers, so it will be all in one place. I’ll start with one or two questions, since I’m only on lunchbreak right now:
1: How do I edit properties for multiple objects simultaneously?
Example1: I want to set the Display-property for the selected objects to ‘Wire’ (atm only the active one changes)
Example2: A lot of different objects with array modifiers. Rise all counts by 3. - Use a script?
In Softimage you select all objects, go to the parameter (selected object is indicated as ‘multiple’) and type ‘3+’
Answer: Scripting seems the only solution so far. You can easily transfer attributes, which is nice, but it's not quite the same
Some similarities while I’m working myself through the feature set:
SI - Blender
Isolate Selection - “View Global/Local” Numpad / (There is also ctrl+B which isolates a region in the viewport…really nice)
Passes and Partitions - Different than in SI, but you can get pretty far with Scenes/Layers/Renderlayers, although it seems you can only override materials and not all sorts of parameters (at least not obvious in the UI)
Referenced Models - You can link complete Scenes, or just parts from other scenes (seems to be really nice)
AnimationMixer - NLA Editor
more to come, stay tuned