How do I deselect one object?

If I box-select a group of objects in object mode and I want to deselect one or a few of them, how do I do that?

Shift+RMB on the object you want to deselect. You may have to press twice
Shift+Ctrl+LMB to lasso deselect

Shift-right click should toggle selections.

edit: Gah,… Richard posted while I was typing!

or Shift+MMB to deselect with a box

I have been trying that over and over, but it doesn’t work. I tried CTRL+SHIFT+RMB and it worked for one object, but then it wouldn’t deselect another object.

Sometimes you will need to click the object a couple times.

This is because it will cycle between states,… Selected, active (last selected), unselected.

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Okay, maybe it was just the specific file I was working on. It’s working fine now. Thank you everyone!