How do I flatten this low poly surface

I have a globe, which is low poly style… At the moment, the surface (the part that is land)…is kinda jaggy and hilly and I dont want that. I want to keep the shape of the countrys and stuff…but i want it to be a flat surface.

I think i need to set the z value of the vertices to the same value. But I dont know how to do this so that the value is measured from the center of the globe. Or isnt this the way to do this?

So what is the easiest way to keep the shape, and just flatten the height of the surface.?

Make a duplicate of the sphere only.
Let’s call it for example MasterSphere, and hide it.
Select your object, create a vertex group with only the vertices that you want to “flatten”(the ones on top, not the base), call it for example “flatVG”.
Add to your object the Shrikwrap modifier, target MasterSphere, restrict to flatVG vertex group.
Apply shrinkwrap modifier.
Put the cursor in the center of masterSphere.
“.” > 3d cursor.
Select your flatVG vertices.
Scale them according to the cursor (center of the sphere).

Yes that worked like a charm! thanks again!