How do I get a panel back?

Hello. I am working on how to rig the wheels and I accidentally removed the object mode panel thing. I tried to get it back, but it just removed the timeline. Can anybody help me?

Well I guess, nobody cares

Is anybody online? I am a bit impatient.

Hi. :smiley: I would really like to help you, but I’m not quite sure what you are looking for. :thinking:

There’s a panel I accidentally removed while trying to rig the wheels of a bus. It is the timeline and the one for a quick access buttons. (object mode etc)

With the N key, you get the side panel and here is a short video on how you get the Timeline back.

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

It just duplicates views.

Wait nvm I was able to fix it

Nice. Good luck with your project. :slight_smile:

But I’m still wondering how to get the obj- Wait, there’s other panels. Nevermind on that.