How do I get rid of this black bar from my render?

Hey guys,

I’m new to blender and i’m trying to render this image in cycles and not sure what’s happening but these black bars keep showing up in my renders. I’ve tried turning off all the objects in the scene and it still happens. I’m using Photographer, atmosphere addons. I tried copying and pasting the objects in a new project and it still happens. Does this have anything to do with the resolution change? I previously had it set to 3840x2160. Then i switched it to 1728x2160. This is a screenshot in the blender and then i’m also attaching the final render image. Please let me know how i can fix this. Thank you :slight_smile:

Here’s the download link for the project file btw:

I don’t get any black bars, but the material on the ground is rendering black.
It’s kinda weird since it is translucent, it shouldn’t render black.
If I change it to a new Principle BSDF it seems to work, but I guess this isn’t your problem.
There could be something with the atmosphere addon (also the photographer addon, but I doubt it).

I’ve tried disabling everything and importing just the objects to a new project and still the same issue. Can’t seem to figure out what’s going on here

if you have Open Shading Language checked in render option (right under the Device dropdown where you choose between CPU and GPU), uncheck it. it caused issues like black and ‘darkened’ bars in my renders with some scenes.

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