In Blender 4.3 for macOS, there is terrible amounts of noise and shadow smearing in the viewport, ans renders always appear grainy, which really kills EEVEE Next for me.
Is there a way to restore a clean-looking viewport and render like in previous versions without the horrific smearing along with the awful noise seen in rendering? That noise in renders makes it look unprofessional.
Or do I need to wait for a new Blender version? This is why I use 4.0.2 for a crisp viewport along with crisp rendering.
In this context, “noise” means the grain you get or “pixellation”.
Can you provide a screenshot of the noise you are talking about?
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The noise I am talking about is in the 3D viewports and also when an image is rendered. Lets say you render an image. Well, the image will come out with a lot of grain, as if someone smeared the pixels.
The same effect occurs when I use the viewport, as either bright or shaded areas will smear.
In prior versions, you had a crystal-clear viewport and render output.
Increase the number of samples
In my opinion you just have some different setting.
I didn’t notice any weird behavior like yours in new Blender version but i’m on Linux.
Render engine? Is denoise active? Samples? The list could be very long, that’s why some screenshot tells more and could help who is trying to help you.