How do I go on about modeling this?

How do I model this part of a product with the subdivision modifier? I’m still new to Blender so any help would be appreciated!

What is the product?


It’s like a sunscreen that im trying to model for my portfolio

You could do it this way:

star_subbed.blend (109.6 KB)

im asking for the hole in which the circle is inserted. thanks for the advice on that though!

Model the general shape starting from a quadsphere or a capsule.
Use a boolean to remove the volume of a cylinder.
Finally, you’ll need to adapt the topology around the cutout to achieve the correct flow.
Not so easy if you’re just starting out, but it’s a good exercise.

Please use a title that matches the content of the post. Avoid using words like “this”, “help with”, “issue” or “question about”, instead describe what “it” is.

Also verbally describe what your to achieve, be specific and and use relevant keywords. Avoid referencing images or links as alternative to words, try to stay away from vague references like “this happens”, “issue with”, “like so”, which make the post impossible to find for someone using search. Instead describe what “it” is, be descriptive, succinct and detailed. It may not be immediately obvious to users trying to help what you mean, as you can see from the above comment, wasting everyone’s time.

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It’s not hard to make, but it’s hard to know the exact shape.
The shape may be a little different.

  1. Create a Cube
  2. Configure rounds using Bevel
  3. Adjust the Vertex position after deleting the bottom part
  4. Add or delete edges and shape

Normally, I’d start with a circle, shape it to the profile as seen in a top view. Then I’d extrude and shape the edges, extrude and shape, etc…

I tried @oo_1942 method and had this shape in about 10 mins:

Needs refining, but good results in a short amount of time!


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