How do I improve my topology and techniques?

I’m quite young in my understanding of topology so bear with me. I understand the good topology and bad topology. however, I’m having difficulties executing it and believe my methods are probably quite time-consuming and inefficient. I would just like some ideas and general tips on what I’m doing wrong and what I can do to improve.

I have attached a model with my most recent efforts. Thank you for taking the time to reply it is much appreciated :slight_smile: (Youll notice I have a big problem with curves) (the model isn’t finished FYI)

My topology workflow:

I wanted to add more media but the post only let me post 1 because I’m new :frowning:

Mesh in Object mode:

My problem with round corners continues haha:

Something to consider when modelling things like this: How is it made in real life?

Go look at someone doing a tear down of a Gameboy on YT, and it’ll give you an idea of just how many layers and individual parts there are. Obviously I’m not suggesting you model each individual piece, but what I am getting at, is that you shouldn’t have everything attached to a single mesh. It’s not realistic, and it certainly won’t help you model it.

The main shell is an individual mesh. The buttons are individual too. The screen, that’s a a separate piece as well. Get the idea?

Break things down into manageable chunks, and you’ll have an easier time, and avoid messy geometry like you have below.

I’d also definitely look at some general hard surface modelling videos on YT. Also, whilst you’re there, search the thing you’re modelling. A quick search found a bunch of Gameboy models in Blender. Check them out, and see what they’re doing, and copy them, if you can.

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Really helpful, thank you very much. I guess that will make it easier when it comes to uv’s and texturing?

In terms of modeling, I followed a few on different things but I wanted to try one unaided. Would you as an experienced 3D artist still look up guides for a general idea or are you capable of just getting your head down, having some references and cracking on?

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Yes, definitely makes texturing and such easier.

Depends on what I’m working on. Generally, these days, I can just crack on for most of the things I do. But if I’m modelling something I’ve never modelled before, or something I know I’m not great at, then yeah, I’ll still look things up if I need to, just to give me a rough idea. Even with sculpting and such, I’ll regularly watch to see what others are doing, to see if I can learn anything.

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Have you done a right click > Shade Auto Smooth?
Generally for those AHHH moments another edge loop around the area controls the bruising.
Adding an edge loop just down inside those holes around the two buttons will help.
I often Bevel an edge and in the pop up window set the shape to 1. That gives 2 support loops and keeps the angles square.

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Thats amazing, this has genuinely helped me a lot thank you. The next problem holding me back is circular shapes needing to be added to a corner of a cube haha i think i messed up somewhere !

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Interesting, thank you for the tips, ill apply them now :slight_smile:

Make sure you have the loop tools addon enabled. It’s super handy for adding circles in geometry.

Also, look at using bevels instead of loop cuts where possible. Hard surface modelling isn’t my wheelhouse, but I often find that bevels are neater.

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oh actually the problem I’m having is right there, your corner of the cube. when I bevel it, i don’t seem to get the same result, i tried using the bevel tool with both vertice and edge mode and playing with the seettings but i dont understand what im doing wrong? :slight_smile: I just started using the loop tool btw

Gotcha. You wanna select the whole edge and use CTRL + B. Looks like you might be using CTRL SHIFT B, which will bevel just the vertices.

You can use your scroll wheel to increase the cuts.

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I feel very dumb, I was indeed using CTRL SHIFT B slaps head.

Grateful for the time taken to respond in such detail!

I’m going to restart the project using everything suggested :slight_smile: (mainly because I’m worried about UV’s XD)

Thank you again and love your Witcher artwork! all hail Ciri :crown:

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