I just began and after watching the basics I have a somewhat descent understanding of how blender works, so I decided to do something simple I.e: A Dice! But dice have indents in them to represent the number they are on I.e: 1 dot to represent 1, 2 to represent 2 etc.
My question is: How do I make such indents in a cube?
This is old, blender 2.4 used, however nothing much have changed to what is needed to do to default cube mesh. Some tools are easier to reach, that’s it. Inset face command is just hit I while in edit mode with a selected face.
More in depth mesh editing for current blender - http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Modeling/Meshes/Editing
I was going to mention that but didn’t. That’s because Google suggested couple of youtube tutorials and I quickly fast forwarded those suggestions. Here’s what I found
Deselect the inner area with box select and MMB drag
If the selection is not symmetrical and perhaps the mesh is more dense, can use edge tagging feature which is set to “select” by default. This selects the shortest path.
Select an edge (start point) then select another edge with ctrl+RMB further away (end point). Edges between those points gets selected. You can continue selecting with ctrl+RMB, or if the selection is not continuous, select another start point with shift+RMB first.