How do i make a new uv map image from a currently used one?

i had an object (human) downloaded from net and the texture folder with pics that has half of the body and some of the cloths together.

And some body parts are in its own image.

The person and each cloth are separate objects. the basecolor in material properties says “Mix” under converter category.

Now i wanna make uv maps to each object separately. How do i do that?
any help is appreciated. :pleading_face: :pray:

This is all wrong for using a texture w/ uv for a mesh… If it has an image then it will most certainly have a UV already…

Open the Texturing space…Very top bar…
What you want to do is in the node editor, The mix Node into the Base Color should be removed…
Add an Image Texture Node, and select the correct image…

Repeat for each material…