How do I merge vertices in UV/Image Editor?

I am working on my UV’s for my model to rig and animate in Blender, however I have two vertices I want to merge or weld like you would in 3DS Max, but how do I make two vertices one in both perspective edit mode and UV/Image Editor?

to merge two vertices that make up a mesh, move one close to the other and click Rem Doubles in your editing panel (buttons window).
To weld two UV coordinates which correspond to the same vertex (created when you use a seam), use the UV Weld command I’m sorry we called it the same thing as Max, as we always try (it seems) to use different terms for the exact same thing :)) To stitch two UV coordinates together that represent different vertices on your mesh, use the Stitch command.

Select two mesh vertices and use Alt-M to get more control over vertex-merging.