How do i model a mouth?

How would i make a mouth like the one in this video:

The mouth i want to copy is the polygon looking guy in the video, yes its a weird video.

I attached a photo of my model just for u to look and see what i could do or if something is wrong. thanks

You are almost there.

Select the 5 vertical edges between the eye line and the jaw line, right click - > Subdivide. There you have the line for the mouth. Select the mouth edges, ā€œvā€ then move the selection up , now the mouth should be split, and you should have the opening for the mouth.

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Sorry if im being dumb, but could you explain what you mean by the 5 vertical edges

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OHHHHHH thanks for the quick reply ill try it

It Worked!!! Thank you so much!!!

Sure, just be nice to elderly people, that wil do it for me :slight_smile:

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