Hey guys… It may sound like a noob question, but it’s not. I’m working on a rather large scene, a gas station in the desert scene, and I need to make some tumbleweed for it, but I ain’t quite sure how to start… The sapling addon won’t cut it, SCA don’t work with 2.77, and I ain’t got money to spend on a fancy Blender Market addon… Wish I did, but I don’t…
To show the quality desired, here’s a bike I also modeled and procedurally textured for the scene: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0odgY
I appreciate any and all answers, and thank you for taking the time to read this.
This is a reference photo of what I need to model, in case you aren’t familiar with tumbleweed…
Thanks guys, I haven’t got an issue other than I want to model something, and I need to know if there’s an easy way of doing it… And Alpha Planes are for games… Not using that crap…
Ivy Gen would leave a hollow interior…