How Do I model Tumbleweed?

Hey guys… It may sound like a noob question, but it’s not. I’m working on a rather large scene, a gas station in the desert scene, and I need to make some tumbleweed for it, but I ain’t quite sure how to start… The sapling addon won’t cut it, SCA don’t work with 2.77, and I ain’t got money to spend on a fancy Blender Market addon… Wish I did, but I don’t…
To show the quality desired, here’s a bike I also modeled and procedurally textured for the scene:

I appreciate any and all answers, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

This is a reference photo of what I need to model, in case you aren’t familiar with tumbleweed…


There you go I made a base mesh for you. Just bind it to a sphere with a mesh deform modifier and shape it to your heart’s content.

Sorry… This won’t work for 2 reasons…

  1. I already made 2 bushes that look like this, but they don’t sell as tumbleweed…
  2. Even if this was perfect, I couldn’t use it, because I can’t use someone else’s model in this scene… It’s part of a 2 week competition…

show us some pics and tell us what Is wrong ?

and you could use a pic with alpha on a plane
might not look 3D or fake but from far away won’t see much difference anyway!

it is fake anyway but if you cannot see it who cares!


You could try to grow ivy around a sphere with the ivy gen addon.

Thanks guys, I haven’t got an issue other than I want to model something, and I need to know if there’s an easy way of doing it… And Alpha Planes are for games… Not using that crap…
Ivy Gen would leave a hollow interior…

Then fill that interior by generating ivy inside the sphere too.

spacetree addon (free version)

there is also NGplant that can make some nice 3D trees !

happy bl

Thanks guys, ended up using the bounce fibers addon, works great :smiley: