How do i modell this shape?

Hi there,

i cant make my mind up on how to model this shape. I thought it would be pretty easy with “Bridge Edge Loop” to bridge between the half circle and the circle. Here are some images explaining the shape i want to create:

The front side has to be a flat surface not like the image top right.
so from the side it has to look like the image bottom right

I appreciate any help/direction on how to model it.

IDK… not sooo difficult…


The angle of your join doesn’t really make sense in the drawing…

Half-pipe maximum width and cylinder maximum width need to coincide:
… meaning the join angle should be 45deg.

If you match up the end of the half-pipe with the halfway of the cylinder then a Face → Intersect(knife) and some cleanup should give you what I have above.

@Okidoki: Snap!

Good luck.

…and yes the angle at the top left… has to be different… :thinking: … or…

  1. Create a bent cylinder.
  2. Scale half of the cylinder around the central axis.

※ Appropriate vertex editing is required as needed. :thinking:

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Well… ther is a possibility… but this alo breaks some other “views”…

I’m also not sure what the originl top left view should show… as yu may see… the half circle does determine the "rectabgular shape from above…

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I am not sure top object is cylinder, like @Okidoki sad, top left view is missing, using logic, it’s squashed half-cylinder:

Yepp… also

…front :interrobang:

So… the usual problem… context…

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Thanks for the suggestions they are almost what i try to achieve but for me it looks like the angle has to be like drawn in the sketch. Here is an image on what i want to model:

for context, it’s a doorhandle. I dont get the part with the angle…

TinyCad with “Intersect selected edges” gives a starting point, but it is some cleanup.

doorhandle.blend (112.6 KB)

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It is correct to make it from the above mentioned content.

fdsfsd.blend (1.1 MB)


Okay my bad you guys were right, the way i sketched it was not the way it’s modeled. I focused so much on the angle of the sketch. Thanks for all the help!! Did’nt know, that here are so many people helping each other :orange_heart:

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Ahh… so my first attempt wasn’t that bad… :wink: (i was fun to think about this…)

Using tinycad and using weighted normals plus subdiv : :+1: …nice details…


I couldn’t find any modeling lectures, but if you refer to the images in the link below, it’ll be easy to make. (More detailed modeling) :slightly_smiling_face: