How do I neatly fuse these two objects together?

How do I fuse these two objects together without creating horrible ngons and graphical artifacts at the seams in which they weld together?

I’m not talking about joining two objects together, I know how to do that, I’m talking about merging the two meshes into one and having a neat beveled seam.

The way I do it is to use a Boolean modifier to join them together. Then apply the boolean (making sure I keep copies of all my objects in case I make a mistake or want to change things later). Then I clean up the area where the two objects merged. I merge together near miss vertices until I can get a nice edgeloop I can select and then I bevel that.

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Great master make one series on YouTube… pure gold.
(1) Topostudy - OilPump 2 (timelapse) - YouTube

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I’m very busy on this current project.

Here is the file if you can do it for me?!Ap6t_YOv62EQgS8Pv3GjJ8JVVGMN?e=PkQBLx

I too am very busy. I don’t mind spending 5 minutes trying to help people help themselves… but I draw the line at doing other people’s work for free. Sorry.


Maybe not perfect, but at least free :slight_smile:
turbine_part.blend (336.4 KB)

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Awesome! Thanks!