Hi, I am an absolute beginner and only downloaded Blender to “quickly” upload the 3D models of the furniture in the program ‘HomeByMe’ - but after three (!) weeks of trying and a lot of chatgpt and youtube I have to give up.
I try to explain: I have do download the 3D models from a special site and these are not working like this when I upload them to the HomeByMe program, which prefers .obj and .pngs in a zip-file.
So I downloaded blender and now I managed to connect the textures to the model and they look ok in the blender-rendering and also when i upload them. But when I render them in the program, the textures are gone and the models are white or in one case there are textured, but wrong. (The homebyme help says that maybe the textures are only lying on the surface of the model and are not “inside”) One shelf worked fine and I have no idea why, because I always made the same
I UV mapped the models (controlled that the party are within the texture), then I uploaded the texture-image in the shading mode by the principled bdsf thing - as basecolour and also the roughness and the normal map.
then i exported as obj, made a zip file and uploaded it at homebyme.
one problem I had for a long time was that I couldnt upload the textures via shift strg t, because he couldnt find the pictures, so i did it manually.
I can imagine it is a very simple thing, but for me these are hours of try and error and it is not fun anymore. I would appreciate any help - thank you!
Hi, unfortunalety I do not understand. this is what chatgpt told me: "The choice between “Box” or “Flat” as a mapping type depends on how you want to apply the texture to your object:
Flat is best used when you have a flat surface or want to directly project the UV mapping onto the texture.
Box is suitable when you want to apply a texture to a 3D object using a “box-like” projection.
So, Flat is more typical for simple 2D applications or flat surfaces, while Box is better for more complex geometric objects." - so after this explanation I would choose box, but after your picture it looks like I should choose flat at every picture?
This is where I am currently and the rendering didnt work - again. I am so thankful for your help
Hi there, this is the answer of the support. When you create the 3D object, textures should be applied to the inside of the shapes, not just on the outer surfaces. If your model appears gray, it is the gray colors from the inside that are showing once the object is imported, as well as in the 3D view of your project, or in some cases only on realistic renderings: this means that your model is not configured correctly.
I don’t exactly understand the explanation. (Not an English speaker)
If different materials are applied to the inside and outside of the object, the material must be designated separately.
If the object is imported from outside, it is believed that it is already specified.
The method mentioned above is the simplest and easiest.
If it’s a matter of material expression
It is the material preview and rendering that you can check the material setting.
You can see the material image in Solid View, but it is not displayed accurately in this case.
If you want to hear the exact answer, please attach the image and ask questions.
Alternatively, you can search for relevant information or look at the manual.
Your nodes won’t work, as Box mapping doesn’t work with 2D UV coordinates. It’s best used with object coordinates, or generated coordinates in some cases if you know what you’re doing and need it for special reasons.
And if using box mapping, normal mapping may not produce the expected results, I prefer bump mapping to avoid those problems. Fairly complex setups exist to handle it, but maybe stay away from them for now if new to this.
For furniture wood, if you can live with no special end grain texture (I usually don’t care), the only way to control the grain direction is to re-orient the object gizmo. So boards going in different directions should be split up into different objects.