How do I render out a wireframe

I’m not certain where to put this but …

I’m trying to figure out how to render out a wireframe of my model
I attempted to use freestyles but it seems to be conflicting with something else in my blender file
whenever I attempt to render it, blender kinda freezes up on me

if I don’t use freestyles it renders fine
if I use freestyles with a different blender file it renders fine
it only freezes up with the specific thing I’m trying to render

You can duplicate the mesh and use a wireframe modifier or use the wireframe node in the texture setup but that will give you triangles…

hmmm … yes I considered the wireframe modifier method
it looks convoluted, looks like id have to make duplicates of every portion of my mesh and that’s not something I want to do because my model is a bit convoluted its made up of i dont even know how many pieces.

im not certain how to use the wireframe node

isn’t there some sort of wireframe shader material that you could just apply to your mesh or something

couldn’t you setup some sort of wireframe render layer and composite it to your regular render layer kinda like this …

Do they all have different modifiers? Otherwise select all and duplicate and press crtl+j to merge them all. And then the modifier.

I think there is currently no wireframe layer. For the wireframe material you have to set yourself one up but thats triangulated…

Another option is the viewport display render when you want a simple wireframe render with eevee or workbench…

… could I plug the viewport display render into the compositor?

Viewport display render will be a normal image that you can overlay and so but the best result would be the wireframe modifier since you can render it normally and composite it too. Wireframe breakdown videos are not that easy and straight forward and i wish they would just add a wireframe render layer.

hmmm … yeah … there doesnt seem to be an easy way of doing this

I checked google and youtube and all the answers were like

  1. use wireframe modifier
  2. use free styles
  3. render viewport

is there a way to get render viewport to render something like this …

with these wireframes like this …

and just render viewport

I mean I can get it to show up in the viewport but when I attempt to render it ends up looking like this …

Am I going to have to render out some sort of transparent wireframe and composite it somehow?

maybe i should just do a screen grab :confused:

So if you go in the header menu > View > Viewport Render Image, is it not what you want?

it doesn’t seem to want to work with viewport shadings rendered view

Go into the world tab and set the color to White…in the overlays turn off the grid/floor/cursor/axis etc…
Viewport display set to wireframe…or modifier as you like…
In View set Render Viewport…
I think you just need the world to be set to white…looks like everything else is there…

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