How do I reset Blender to all the default settings?

I feel like an idiot here asking this but about 6 months ago I followed a tutorial where it had me change the look, the theme and the layout of the default screen. It recommended I get rid of the camera and the lights and other things.

I had to stop using the computer due to medical issues for a few months and now I feel like I am starting over. I want to get Blender back to where it used to be when I first installed it.

I have googled this topic but nothing shows me how to reset everything. I don’t care if it wipes out my selected addons. I want to get the default layout screen back up when I start Blender and I just can’t seem to do it.

Thanks for any help with this.

Here you go:

Thanks and I am confused. Did I somehow start this topic in the tips and tricks forum? I hope not. I have not been on the forums since this switch to discord. So maybe I am messing up all around. if so, my apologies.

Thank you again for the reply barty

I try to Load Factory Settings and Blender freezes. I waited 5 minutes before I had to close using task manager. I click on the OK…nothing.

Here is a screenshot of a corner of the screen.

Why do you think that?

Because in your reply, after the blue link ending with “configuration/directories.html” it says “Also note the tips & tutorials forum is for completed tricks and tutorials ONLY, not for asking support questions. Do you think all the other support forums are just there for show ?”

I thought that was directed at me.

Ah :slight_smile: no, it was part of the topic that I linked to.

Ahhh. Okay. Whew. And thanks for the link. I deleted the config file and that worked.

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