How do I reset bone positions in pose mode?

Simply, how do I get the bones back in there place like in edit mode, while in pose mode? (something more permanant and editable than the reset button which doesn’t let you move the bones)


Select all bones in Pose mode.
Depending on what you have changed you can use:

  1. Alt+R for clearing of rotation
  2. Alt+G - location
  3. Alt+S - scaling of the bones.
    After clearing the transformations the armature will be reset to Rest position (there is also Rest Position button, but it is only for quick view of the Rest position and do not clear transformations of the bones!)

Wow, I completely forgot about those keys (and here I spent an hour trying to figure this out!)
Thanks alot for the help! :slight_smile:

Thx. It helped me a lot. For a long time couldn’t figure this out!

just checking up. thanks

Ahhh!! thank you i did a yahoo! search and found this thread thank you!!!
Alt+R did the Trick! Sweet)
(do they have a button to reset ALL? Rotation, Location and Scale?)

How can i set the bones to new rest position? I used

ctrl-A - Apply pose as restpose

in pose mode. The armature was set to new pose as restpose but the mesh went back to old restpose. But i want to set both to new restpose. How does it work? I use blender 2.60.7

What I do is right click on the “Pose Position” tab and select reset to default value.