How do I rig clothes?

I imported a MakeHuman model into Blender, and I made clothes that works fine with the cloth simulation.

But how do I pose the characted WITH the clothes deforming accordingly? I can’t seem to find ANY tutorial on this subject!!

Please help!

The wiki has an example of how to use cloth simulation on a rigged set of clothes. You basically need to rig it just as you would the character, and use the cloth simulation to create the incidental folds and wrinkles rather than the gross movements.

But how would you then animate the character and clothes? With the cloth simulation you need to bake every position. You obviously don’t bake for every single frame!!!

Leave the cloth turned off until you’re done animating the armature, then bake the cloth simulation. Baking cloth doesn’t bake a single frame, it bakes the whole length of the animation.

But when I bake the cloth, the cloth simply “falls down” on the body. What I want to do, is to have this MakeHuman-model, give it some clothes, and be able to easily duplicate the model and pose it in another way, and have Blender automatically make the clothes follow the body.

I also fail to see how doing the procedure as you described, would make the clothes follow.

If I change the position of ie. the arms or legs, the clothes don’t match up, and the cloth simulation would be wrong, because I made the clothes fit as the model from MakeHuman has the arms stretched to the sides (so the MakeHuman model forms a T). If I pose the arms in another way, I would have to make the clothes accordingly.

This is very tedious. I doubt this is how you would normally do it.

Did you set the body as a collider for your cloth? Here is good tutorial for it:

Thank you SO MUCH! This was exactly the type of tutorial I was looking for!

This answer needs a “like” button. That was a great tutorial, and one of the few showing how to tie both mesh deform cloth and cloth dynamics together in a way that works. Thank you.

Have to agree… the tutorial was very helpful!

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Was curious, does anyone know if this method of having the deformer copy of the mesh work in Unreal Engine FBX exports or will it possibly add too much overhead?

It will not, the mesh deform modifier is a custom blender feature and not present in other applications. If you want clothes that deform with the body in an export, you will need to directly weight those clothes the armature.