I want to curve the bus stop roof from this
to this
but I don’t want to simple deform fully the roof just only edge
what should I do ??
I want to curve the bus stop roof from this
You can add a loop cut to the left side and extrude them out by CTRL+RMB in the direction you want it
can you explain this i don’t understand.
can u share your blend file?
how did you curved this loop cut? I add a 10 loop cut and ctrl +rmb but it not working.
First of all, I have removed your plane/cube you made before, cause imo it looked incorrectly.
I made a plane, extrude the left side 3-5 times, then I have added the Solidify modifier to bring some thickness to it. Modifier haven’t been applied yet so you can increase/reduce its thickness, just go to modifiers tab.
Download the archive, there’s a video I made to explain how I’ve achieved that result
2023-06-08_15-16-20.zip (3.7 MB)
How you made this? By watching video I’ve sent you above?
yes, I don’t know why this happens.
If you did all exactly like I said - it should work. Otherwise try again. Maybe you just forgot to add more bevels to the edges by pressing CTRL+B? Have you done that?
I already add Bevel you can see my lastest picture above.
IDK then, give it another try
Bear in mind that I did this in Blender 2.93, while you’re using 3.5.1. Maybe that’s the thing why it aren’t working as it probably should’ve been.
i’ve found the solution here https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/116569/solidify-modifier-adding-non-uniform-thickness-to-the-mesh thank you for the help.
you’re welcome