I’m practising texturing, but when I change the wall size, I affect the textures too, how can i keep the same texture size?
Scaling the wall in edit mode should do the trick
nope. It doesn’t
Set your texture coordinate to object and projection to box (see attachment) and than scale in edit mode.
unfortunately it still does
you connected object to vector. I used Uv, is it the problem?
I think it is; if you don’t have UV maps you should rather use object and box.
yepp just object to vector and boxed… as long as the wall are rectangular… and are positioned in texture grid distances that fit on the edges… or this is somekind of impossibel because of interdimensional contortion of the backrooms topology (if they do have some…)
worked. I had to use edit mode too
yep thanks
thanks a lot
If this is also via objectcoordinates it seems a bit weird because of the slanted pattern… you may have to do some special UV mapping here (using a copied and modified material using the image but with UV…)