How do I solve this issue of blender Hair particles not showing properly in viewport?

It’s difficult with so few info (you mean position? or lenght? or what?) but I see that you have Hair Lenght = 4 meters. Maybe is this?

By Problem I mean hair particles are not showing ON the object, rather sometimes it’s showing in random places when zooming in the viewport.

I’m not able to reproduce that issue. Have you already checked scale, origin, normals, hidden object and so on?
Are you trying this on a fresh new file/object?
What happens if you:

  • add a new object in scene
  • immediately set to this a particle system

This is not a specific problem with objects or anything, it happens everytime I open blender. I think, it’s maybe a glitch or something :confused:.

Wait, are you saying that whenever you open Blender you have this scene?

I mean whenever I try to work with hair particles I face this issue.

You don’t have default 3D Viewport header.
So, issue could come from an addon.
Is it also the case, if you load factory settings ?

Anyways, you still have the alternative to use Curves object workflow.

Can you add an icosphere with default settings and then with it selected add the particle hair with default settings, and share that Blend File?