How do i transfer my Blender setup to my laptop?

I want my exact Blender Setup of my Desktop in my laptop as well. Means all my keybinds, addons like hardops etc and everything in between.

I want it so that i feel complete similarity in how i interact with Blender on the laptop.

How do i do it?

Are both Windows computers? Are you using portable or normal versions of Blender? Did you install directly or from Steam?

Just move your user preferences folder to the new computer. They are in %appdata%\Blender Foundation\Blender\ on Windows. If you have some very fancy add-ons like additional render engines or asset packs they might be stored somewhere else so you might have to take care of them individually.

You also have to copy addons and addons_contrib over from the install location (not AppData), in some cases, but it’s impossible to say without more information




Ok, so you’ll need to copy the AppData folder like MartinZ said, as well as the addons and addons_contrib folder from your install location. For me, it’s:
Obviously, your path will be different